Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Closeing Out Week Three

And its not good.
Bloginski:'bout the only thing going right. XP
Minis Painting / writing: 8 minis finished. About three-finity and two for WIPs
Gaming: 1/3 weeks, dead tired last night >:P
Spending: $104ish so far, therefore with a goal of X=$20(N-1), where N is what week it is, I'm ... $64 over

First good news, my Gatling-urai are ready to make a fine paste of the Ten Thunders' enemies. No the kneeling one isn't significantly closer 'e's jes' frigin 'uge! And the colors aren't off one really is pink metallic. That said they were a bitch to get a picture of. Really dark bits + metallics trying to cause burnout +  true, pure, glossy white on the porcelain masks is too much for my dinky little camera to handle.
There should be the results of my writing here, as you can see they aren't here. I realized the character summaries are friggin useless and as confusing as a llama on a pogo-stick in downtown Chicago without any setting. Therefore I need to go sit on my fat-ass and finally write up the damned setting beyond: weird west steam powered mythos (maybe) colonization era NotEarth thing.

As to gaming opening at work fucks me up something fierce by the time I finally get off.

On the monies front I blame Wyrd. They have loads of pretty metal and resin figures that are being discontinued and I just found out some are not getting plastic re-sculpts. So today I went and bought the last of the ones I wanted.
I'd say 90% of the re-sculpts are as good or better and those that aren't aren't bad they just lack the flair the old editions had. The only thins I think are suffering are the Desolation Engine which is purely personal preference and the Avatars. The Avatars are going from a unique sculpt for each one with an ass-load of character to a generic plinth for each faction. I'll admit I only like 4 of the 15 or so enough to buy them but I doubt any 30mm to 50mm plinth/base adapter can stand up to the individual sculpts. Also how the fuck are they going to do the Outcasts and Ten Thunders. The first are the individuals and small groups of Malifaux and the second is made up of agents who've infiltrated every other faction and a handful of Ten Thunder only assets. GRRR.

Phew. Okay, rant and blog post over now.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Running Total and an Admission

Final Tally for January 8-14:
Blogification: Good! :)
Minis Painting / Writing: Slightly low but looking good. :)
Gaming: One 50 soul stone (average) Malifaux game on the 13th, more later but good. :)
Spending: $63ish so far, over by ~$43 therefore not so good. :(
Proof: It is maintained.

Goals for January 15-21:
Finish the 3 Gatling Samurai, type and edit the Rami LeFarve Expedition profiles I have made, get a game in, buy only necessities.

First off My game was lots of fun. I intended to have my crew light the enemy up and then bring the pain. Due to wonkyness in setup we each knew what leader the other brought and he took Kaeris with her upgrade for health from fire. My initial reaction was "well shit, now what the hell am I gunna do?" I stuck with the 35ss core I chose well ahead of time and filled the last 15 with stuff that didn't play with fire rather than scraping and list tailoring. I got my ass kicked but the incidental bad mach up wasn't the problem. He was just a better player who knew how to play his list and the schemes. I took a beating first turn and had lost by turn three but I had fun and learned so it was worth it. As usual though I think I kept forgetting my passive area buff. From now on I think I'll avoid them and stick to single model or active buffs.

And now the admission, as you probably guessed I went way past $20 the first week of January. The reason for that was an order from Reaper. It arrived this week and I am now the owner of 7 British Colonial Soldiers with no claim of accuracy and their (unofficial) "heavy weapon unit" Rhinocerix. Naturally bright red coats, dark navy blue pants, white webbing and gold piping will be their color scheme.
 The 8 members of the Horny 172nd
I really like the pose on this one for some reason.

Even monsters can fight for Queen and Country!

Proof he'll make a loyal Brit from Reaper's own site, painted by Martin Jones

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Woo Hoo!

Early blogging due to progress!
Now for the January's running record:
I has blogged to minimum levels :), still no game :(.

Budget: Hoo boy, started not too bad (over by $17.61) but then I realized I donwana sculpterate bases. Also Rathuros is shmexy awesomes and one for the gaming table would be nice. So currently I'm over by $42.67

Now for minis: 5 completed, 11 currently WIP (work in progress) first the three new additions.

Bad Ass Inventor cares not about lost arms and legs.

It's ZapoRay Gun time!

Green hair comes with the territory when you have white hair and spend 8+ hours a day in the water.

It's hard to see but she has polar bear green hair. ... What's that I hear you say? Polar bears are white not green? Having been to Brookfield Zoo in summer I can safely say polar bears can turn green from algae. Proof from the BBC If you want more info you can Google it yourself. I don't know if the BBC is like US media for internal politics, sports etc. but I know their world and science coverage is top notch when it comes to reliability.

Now the before pic-ies:
I promise the Samurai was bare plastic before this week but I was working on that color on the other two.

The white is a primer so the bright yellow on them won't take 5 weeks to finish.
That's all for now, hopefully this Tuesday I can play some Malifaux.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Rasing a Corpse

Blaaargh! 'Oi've failed te maintain tis 'avent oi?

Ok new year time for a new start, a week in.




Ok, bug fishing nuts resolution time it is:
1. Update blog once a week minimum.
B. Destroy the world less than a week from now.
3. Average a Minimum of painting 15 minis or writing 1500 words of coherent writing a month.
   C1. Use Gimli rules when counting the minis, No mater how large or how many passengers: It still only counts as one!
   3B. Coherent means one topic, without digressions and not the blogink.
D. Kill anyone who reads this blog more than a week from now.
5. Average a game once every two weeks.
F. Delete this Blogpost.
7. Ignore the crazy ideas in my head. (See #s B,D, and F for proof)
8. Starting this week (Thursday January 8th - Wednesday January 14th) average only $20 stupid a week.
I. Must now scream in terror/pain.
K. Maintain a record (with proof for #s 1,3, and 8 ) of how well I'm doing on trying to kill myself with these resolutions.

Now for the first week of January's running record:
I has bloged :), no game :(, and I exempted last week from budget restictions on grounds of I don't wanna talk about it 8I.

Now for minis: completed, I'm calling these 5 as 2 on the grounds of okysoIstaredtheminlateDecemberbutIdidn'tfinishthemuntillJanuarysotheyshouldstillcount! (first person to decipher that and the first part of resolution # 10 will receive one (ein, uno, 1) internet (a picture of a) cookie.)

From now on there will be photo proof of nada/primer to painted but you'll have to trust these weren't started until this year.

And Finaly the paint que for this week. If I can get 4 a week that will put me at *clickity,clickity,clickity* two oh eight minis painted this year.

Monday, August 25, 2014


A recent addition to the collection.  Personally I feel I did a decent quality paint-job. This puts me up to 3 civilians, a gravedigger, a lady sweeping up and now the goddess of the bar.

31 millimeters from the base of the skirt to the top of the head.

Oh yeah, I gotta say sumethin gamer-ey 'ere: WHARBLE GARHBLE FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANTZ ITZ!!! Clickity Link.


Oh, you want to know what the random link is? Heh, its a Kickstarter for a new game. I want the miniature figures and tiles, screw the rules.

Orlaf: A human barbarian I actually like. (surprisingly hard to find)
Ibrahim: I’ve seen pics of his shield and it is awesome and I wants it.
Venetia: Female warrior monk with a proper weapon? YES PLEASE!
Hrath: Its a lizardman. Resistance is futile. ... Unless the smoke looks like crap.
Elshara: My ghosty collection is still small.
Hoggar: ZOMBIE TROLL SHAMAN! that is all. Oh yeah, its also a pretty damned unique concept.
Grund: undead dwarf king. Mantic keeps providing unique things!
Undead grunts: My collection could use reinforcements.
Dwarf Revnants & Zombie Troll: DAMN YOU MANTIC’S CREATIVITY!
Fantasy Orcs: I have savages, but slightly more civilized and still tribal would be nice.
Demons: The demon muse demands more for her endless horde! (I’ll introduce her later)
Succubus: Normally the demon muse would have problems (she gets jealous) but being pure fighter and dressed helps.
Kapoka: Its a tree-man satyr! How can I resist?
Arianya: I have a weakness for female non-humans who keep their clothes on.
Dungeon Furniture: SCATTER TERRAIN! (small pieces of scenery)
Hordin: Dwarf bartender and pup. Yep yep.
Blaine: He looks kick ass.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Haloo out thar!

Haloo? Iz dis ting on?


Meh, Good 'nuf.

So what is this? My random art-ish blog. What kind of art? HA! if you count random scribbles that amuse me and others occasionally like art than I guess that counts. Mundanes may call my gaming figures art, I don't. The sculptors work is art, my painting of production casts is lots of time, money and effort for the odd monetary return. Narrative writers could be called artists, I write plot hooks, points, and the odd twist, with paper cutouts as characters or deep complex characters I can't shove a plot around. Honestly I'm more of a gamer.

So why is this an art(-ish) blog and not a gaming blog? I'll be posting this stuff here for its own (and maybe my own) sake. If it winds up at a gaming table good for it, if instead it amuses someone in another manner that's also good. I just kind of want it to maybe see the light of day. I guess the not too shady bits of the internet will work instead.

Hope this goes ok to well.



I gota post my rules for this blog now or never so here they are:

1) Gramurz and spelin iz opshunal
1a) Ze Phonetik aksentz iz in eefekt.
1b) Acceptable language is wot ever the feck I god-damned feel like ye o-fence-ive language nazi gobshites!  FFFUUUCK YEEEAAAHHH BIIITCHEEEZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (If I do use racially, sexualy, or religiously intolerant terms with no apparent knowledge of their meaning please let me know. I am a 'murican who watches way too much BBC and wastes even more time on international communities on the internet.)

2) I will not make this a gaming blog.
2) Lets be honest. I'm a gamer, I'm guna post about gaming stuff occasionaly. That said I will try not to scare the mundanes off due to excessive gaming content.
2a) Gamer slang will be minimized and if used will be defined.
2b) If a BatRep or adventure log (BatRep = Battle Report, 2 forms of a summary of a game) are posted they will be in narrative format people unfamiliar with the system (specific set of rules) can still understand. Eg. No "I rolled above his AC but the pen to my dex caused it to fail." Instead it would be "As I trust I felt I would strike the foul beast but the Wyrms toxin slowed me and the monster evaded my blow."

3a) That said you may use my work for non-profit pursuits if you credit me and send me a link, description, copy etc. If at all possible please share with others foolish enough to read this blog.

 4) I don't undervalue the readers, I undervalue my own output. Please remember that before getting angry based on how I refer to you.




Shit. Content.


[Rummaging sounds]


AH HA! That'll do!


Hey! Content! Sorry about its dry-ish nature. It's all I had close to fully formatted.
[Shifty eyes] 'Ere ya go! [Scamper off]

"Some Shit About Some Fictional Beasts Races Species of ... the Planet Somewhereia"



On Feynacht ambient magical energy at fey sites doubles. On this night the fey go nuts. Due to a temporary immunity instead of a lethally crippling weakness all play with iron. gatherings usually have plenty of iron weapons so fey can play fight or hold contests. The fouler ones combine indulging in iron weapon use and tormenting the nice ones. Knife throwing contests between pucks, boggies, toad stools, and mermaids with brownies (the freaks are too nice to be healthy) or the smallest fey (greater challenge) as targets are incredibly common.


Vicious psychopaths known to regularly bring silver weapons (the one metal fey are always harmed by) with on Feynacht on “accident”. Fey mythology states that pucks don’t really die they just get new bodies as pit devils. The pucks like this theory and attempt to out do each other and gain the attention of devils with those that are complimented by one adding a d’ to their name as a sign of their foul mastery. Should a devil express disgust or shock at a puck’s actions it is treated as a the greatest of compliments and the puck becomes a folk hero among their kind and is referred to as a count.
(ex. Blurdphhange would become Count D’Blurdphhange)


Somewhere between humans and fey but not nearly as much fun as either. Pretentious as fuck, this causes both humans and other fey to mock them mercilessly. Humans do respect elves but feel they just need to loosen up some. On the other hand fey treat them as irresponsible children. The wild fey are the only things that can flap the usually unflappable elves. Due to this seeing a drunk pixie versus an elven elder is fucking hilarious.


Foul short lived and non-magical, even Pucks don't like them. About 1000 years ago they tried to convince the rest of the fey they were kind of like pucks in that they become imps. No one bought it. Instead boggies got that dubious honor. The goblins are still ticked about it. The rest still find it hilarious.


Closer to elves and goblins than the wild Fey, humans still see gnomes as dangerous as wild fey but worse because they can hide in plain sight. Some embrace this reputation making it worse for the rest who don’t and are forced to hide. This makes gnomes an almost mythological race.


Devil teams consist of pit devils, devilkin, gorgons, imps, horrors, devil harpies and the rare devil hound and are close knit. Any lesser devils usually (95%) willingly drink their commanding horrors blood giving it constant awareness of their actions as it may save them and horrors rarely care what the lessers do as long as the job gets done. When teams can capture and enslave a demon or they take a shine to a puck or other supernatural ally they will take them with when they return to Tartarus

Pit devils

Most pit devils enjoy the company of pucks (2-5 usually accompany them) and gladly encourage their antics. These pucks are often treated as just shy of counts as their patron enjoys mischief and the idea of a puck shocking a superior is amusing to them. The pit devils either don’t know if the fairy theory of their births are true or aren’t telling, either way they still encourage the pucks


Though not as fond of their fey imitators as pit devils, gorgons still accept their aid as it masks their involvement potentially allowing the gorgon to catch opponents unaware. The puck’s immunity to the gorgon’s gaze lends credence to the fey’s theories on pucks and pit devils as other devils are the only things not affected. Most gorgons find minions that meet their gaze unnerving but will never admit it. However some “enjoy” it and will seek out the aid of pucks. (25% chance have 1-3 puck minions, otherwise they have 3-6 minions of another race)


Acting as field marshals and sergeants horrors regularly take an “honor guard” of the 4 most depraved pucks and groom them for greater evil and occasionally letting tiny tidbits slip that imply pit devils born from pucks do exist. Horrors typically split the lesser Devils assigned to them into 2 groups each consisting of a pair of pit devils led by a gorgon with 2/5ths of any minions they attract and take the remaining minions as a personal guard. Some (25%) prefer to allow the lesser devils to do as they please as long as one acts as “leader” to any minions they attract while the Horror plays the savage monster that hunts alone. Meanwhile the horror secretly runs everything.


When imps join devil teams one usually acts as the horror’s personal assistant (and minder if the horror is playing an unthinking brute) and the rest act as messengers for the squad. They never act as the leader in “savage” squads. Mortals have problems respecting something that looks like a child. However if one or more are available they will play the obsequious toady to reinforce the false leader’s act

Devil hound

devil hounds are more disciplined than the other lesser demons and rarely (>5%) pledge themselves to a horror. Due to this their service is in constant demand amongst other greater devils because any deals are between master and servant and not potential equals.

Not appearing (yet)

Devil harpies: form flocks around horrors and act as master shock-troop squads
Devilkin: replace pit devils in teams creating a subtler group
Wraiths: act as masters of information gathering for serpents and beasts
Serpents: act as generals to the devil hordes
Beasts: warlords of the devil hordes


Considered Newb interlopers. Although more numerous, varied, better disciplined and make raids more often and to greater effect than the devils the devils keep handing the demons their asses and still have all the power. By any estimation the demons should have obliterated the devils several hundred years ago at the latest. But they haven’t.  Everyone except the devil teams are still scratching their heads at this. The devil teams are just laughing their asses off.