Thursday, January 8, 2015

Rasing a Corpse

Blaaargh! 'Oi've failed te maintain tis 'avent oi?

Ok new year time for a new start, a week in.




Ok, bug fishing nuts resolution time it is:
1. Update blog once a week minimum.
B. Destroy the world less than a week from now.
3. Average a Minimum of painting 15 minis or writing 1500 words of coherent writing a month.
   C1. Use Gimli rules when counting the minis, No mater how large or how many passengers: It still only counts as one!
   3B. Coherent means one topic, without digressions and not the blogink.
D. Kill anyone who reads this blog more than a week from now.
5. Average a game once every two weeks.
F. Delete this Blogpost.
7. Ignore the crazy ideas in my head. (See #s B,D, and F for proof)
8. Starting this week (Thursday January 8th - Wednesday January 14th) average only $20 stupid a week.
I. Must now scream in terror/pain.
K. Maintain a record (with proof for #s 1,3, and 8 ) of how well I'm doing on trying to kill myself with these resolutions.

Now for the first week of January's running record:
I has bloged :), no game :(, and I exempted last week from budget restictions on grounds of I don't wanna talk about it 8I.

Now for minis: completed, I'm calling these 5 as 2 on the grounds of okysoIstaredtheminlateDecemberbutIdidn'tfinishthemuntillJanuarysotheyshouldstillcount! (first person to decipher that and the first part of resolution # 10 will receive one (ein, uno, 1) internet (a picture of a) cookie.)

From now on there will be photo proof of nada/primer to painted but you'll have to trust these weren't started until this year.

And Finaly the paint que for this week. If I can get 4 a week that will put me at *clickity,clickity,clickity* two oh eight minis painted this year.

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